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EES 2023: Sharing our journey on AI’s application in qualitative research
Back in November 2023, Steve took the stage at the European Evaluation Society.
News: Causal Map 3 is live!
Your causal mapping journey just got an upgrade with Causal Map 3 (CM3)! 🎉 CM3 is the latest version of the Causal Map app, which is now live and available for use!
Why do causal mapping rather than ordinary QDA?
I've got a load of texts to analyse, can I use Causal Map just for standard Qualitative Data Analysis, like ordinary thematic analysis, to identify important themes?
An M&E time machine
A proof of concept study about using AI to collect and analyse data in complex systems.
Comparing a Fine-Tuned Model to an Engineered Prompt in the Context of Causal Connections in a Passage of Text
Papers/publications in which Causal Map was featured or mentioned
Partner Ring, ACI, Australia
Papers/publications in which Causal Map was featured or mentioned